Join Arcade Comedy Theater outside for the opening of its newest season of outdoor programming in the heart of the Cultural District. This debut show features a mix of stand-up and improv comedy, hosted by Dave Stewart (Real Pittsburgh Stories). Performances include stand-up by comedian Suzanne Lawrence, stand-up by comedian Samantha Bentley, improv comedy by Daddy New Year (Sara Kantner & Kyle Longsdorf), with special guest, comedian Ray Zawodni.
The next Arcade Comedy at the Oasis will be held on Sunday, April 18 from 7:00 to 8:00 pm. Tickets for tables that seat four, two, or one are available. Lawn seats are Pay-As-You-Wish and guests are asked to bring their own chair. For more information, or to purchase your ticket, visit the Arcade Comedy at the Oasis event page.
The Oasis is located at 133 7th Street.