This year, during its 4th Annual Winter Film Series, Allegheny City Society selected films that were shot in and about Pittsburgh.
Allegheny City Society’s Winter Film Series continues with a showing of I Was a Communist for the FBI – the 1951 noir thriller based on the true story of Matt Cvetic, a Pittsburgh mill worker recruited by the FBI as a mole in the American Communist Party. Although fictionalized, the film was nominated for an Academy Award for “Best Documentary” in 1952.
Before the movie, Carlow University history professor, Joel Woller, will give a brief talk about the Red Scare and the subject of the night’s film, Matt Cvetic.
I Was a Communist for the FBI will be shown on Wednesday, March 11 at Bistro to Go, located at 415 East Ohio Street in neighboring Historic Deutschtown. Plan to go early to enjoy dinner at the Bistro, and then stay for the free film talk at 6:45 pm and the movie at 7:00 pm.