River of Words Open House

On Friday, July 25 from 6 until 8 pm, explore the installation, enjoy light refreshments and meet the artists behind the project at the River of Words Open House. Neighborhood maps will be available for pick-up at the Alphabet City™ Tent (318 Sampsonia Way) that will guide you to each word.

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RFP to Stabilize and Develop 1423 Boyle Street

1423 Boyle Street has been condemned for more than seven years. ACCA has worked to try to prevent the demolition of this interior rowhouse but we are almost out of time. ACCA is issuing an RFP/RFQ in an attempt to find a partner to save this building from demolition and address the issues that are causing damage to neighboring property owners.

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Expansion of Residential Permit Parking to be Explored

A public informational meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 15 to discuss the possible expansion of the Residential Parking Permit Program (RPPP) in Allegheny City Central. This community meeting is being held to discuss what the RPPP program entails and to gauge the interest of the residents in the implementation of the program for their streets. This meeting will not determine the final outcome, but rather provide further possible avenues of action. The program is completely resident-driven, so the residents themselves will decide whether or not to have Permit Parking on their street.

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Hearing for 1244 Buena Vista Postponed

Last Friday, we reported that the City of Pittsburgh’s Bureau of Building Inspection (BBI) was set to go before the Historic Review Commission (HRC) on July 2 for permission to demolish the vacant building at 1244 Buena Vista Street. The item was subsequently pulled from the HRC meeting agenda.

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Federal and North Master Plan to be Unveiled July 14

At the July 14, 2014 general membership meeting, Allegheny City Central Association (ACCA) will unveil a Master Plan for the commercial district at Federal Street and North Avenue. This plan is an extension of our larger Community Master Plan that highlights the importance of having a strong commercial corridor serving a diverse group of people.

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Celebrate Grand Opening with Local Entrepreneurs

PhysiqueRx'd and House of Colour

Allegheny City Central residents Julie Peterson and Lynsey Arch invite you to celebrate the opening of their 2,000-square-foot studio at 835 Western Avenue. Join them on Saturday, June 28 starting at 4 p.m. for wine and hors d’oeuvres and take a tour their space. The studio will serve as the new home of their respective businesses, House of Colour Pittsburgh and Physique Rx’d.

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