June 13th Public Hearing: AGH Institutional Master Plan

Allegheny General Hospital - Institutional Matter Plan

At the May 30th City of Pittsburgh Planning Commission MeetingAllegheny General Hospital (AGH) presented its proposed Institutional Master Plan. AGH will return to the City Planning Commission on TUESDAY, JUNE 13 for public comment and a potential vote on the master plan. 

NEIGHBORS: The Planning Commission is interested in obtaining the opinion of residents concerned with this matter. A Virtual Public Hearing is scheduled before the Commission on Tuesday, June 13, 2023 at 2:00 pm. The meeting will start with a briefing at 1:00 pm. The hearing portion of this meeting will start no earlier than 2:00 pm, however, it may start later.

Join the Virtual June 13th Commission Meeting or Watch on YouTube Live:

To Provide Public Comment:

  • Email planningcommission@pittsburghpa.gov.
    • Email testimony will be accepted until the business day before the meeting at 12:00 pm.
  • Send a letter to 200 Ross Street, 4th Floor, Pittsburgh, PA 15219.
    • Mailed testimony must be received by two business days before the meeting.
  • Join the Virtual Meeting and use the Raise Hand function to request to speak.
  • Call into the meeting on your phone and press *9 to use the Raise Hand function
    to request to speak.

Helpful Information and Documentation:

If you have questions, email planningcommission@pittsburghpa.gov.


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